I want to shed some "lyte" today on the fleeting nature of fame. As Andy Warhol so famously predicted, in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. I am confident that Warhol would have loved reality TV. It is so his medium. Can you image "Survivor, The Factory"? Who can take the most speed? Who can make the most mundane movie? Who looks best dressed in aluminum foil? The possibilities are endless.
But what I want to talk about is the crash and burn of the Gosselin family. "Jon and Kate Plus 8" has been a tremendously successful show for TLC. I watched the initial special and then followed the show for the first 2 years. My husband and I had our twins through fertility treatments and then went back when they were 3 to try again. We were not successful. It is a fact I grow more thankful for every year. My little darlings would have been turning 10 this year and I cannot imagine what my life would look like.
Actually, I can, thanks to Jon and Kate Gosselin. Well, we would have had quadruplets at the most, but still, when I first saw the show I told my husband, "OMG! That could have been us!" I admired Kate's outspokenness and Jon's laconic demeanor. She was OCD like me. He was Zen like, just like my husband. I applauded how honest they were about the struggles they were experiencing in raising two sets of multiples.
I felt the show jumped the shark when they started having product placement. To me, that action caused the show to cross the line from entertainment to exploitation. Kate always said that her goal was to give her family the most normal life and experiences possible. In real life you are not given free stuff just because you were born. You don't grow up with a camera crew following your every move.
I grew increasingly disdainful as the perks increased. Free trips, tummy tucks, hair plugs. The new ginormous house. Jon is no longer working and it seems like Kate now sports a perpetual tan. The renewal of their vows in Hawaii. When Steve Thomas of "This Old House" showed up to install solar panels and other green goodies for them, I was appalled at how snarky Kate acted. I hadn't seen the show for awhile, but her air of entitlement was disgusting.
Now their family is caught up in the meat grinder of the tabloid press. Has he cheated? Has she cheated? Will they stay together? Even her brother is getting into the act. This drama is playing out to record ratings for the show, but how long before America gets bored with watching the destruction of a family? We watch that play out in our neighborhoods, workplaces, even in our own households everyday. And nobody gets a single perk. Andy would be proud.