Today I am shedding "lyte" on Christian charity. A new Pew Research Center survey is out and it was asking about support for torture and religious affiliation. And guess what group is most likely to support torture? Evangelical Christians!
More than 6 out of every 10 self-identifying Evangelicals support torture. Apparently what most born-again Christians want to do is disregard one of the two commandments given by their personal savior. "Love thy neighbor" only applies if there is not a ticking time bomb scenario.
The more often you go to church, the more likely you are to support torture. Maybe because you are subjecting yourself to torture by going to church in the first place? Of the religious, mainstream Protestants were least likely to support torture. So does only being born once make you more compassionate?
This does not surprise me. I am sure a majority of the folks who watch Fox News, listen to Rush Limbaugh, and attended a tea party are Evangelicals as well. I have noticed a tendency towards smugness in born again Christians. A strong sense of "I'm saved, and you're not." I guess when you think you have a lock on heaven, how you treat others here on Earth just doesn't matter that much.
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