I am shedding "lyte" on exits today. I know a lot has been going on: Michael dying, Maddoff getting sentenced to 150 years, "Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen" grossing a gazillon dollars. But if you haven't noticed, we're withdrawing from Iraq.
"Iraq?" I hear you say, "Isn't Iran the new Iraq?" No, it isn't because we are still occupying the sovereign nation that ends with a "Q" and boy, are they sad to see us go. Actually, they are having massive celebrations. Parades, flowers, tears of joy; all the stuff that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc., claimed we would be greeted with.
We pulled all our troops out of Baghdad today, the official handover is at midnight tomorrow. Wow, it only took 6 years, 4000 American lives, uncounted thousands or possibly millions of Iraqi lives, trillions of borrowed money, to make this day happen. We should be proud.
I wonder if Keith Olbermann will stop his count on "Countdown"? He ends every show with the total of days since former President Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" on that aircraft carrier. Poor guy, what will he count now?
Of course, we are still occupying Iraq. Our soldiers are just confined to our bases. The full pullout won't be until 2011. We still have that enormous "embassy" in Baghdad, bigger that the Vatican, but not as pretty. And we still have a long way to go in repairing our image and relations in the area.
But hey, we're sorta, kinda out of there. We're like an uninvited houseguest who just agreed to stay in the guest room and stop raiding the refrigerator.
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