I am back from vacation, and ready to reenter the fray. I want to shed some "lyte" on priorities. It seems like while I was on hiatus, two things happened: 1) the President had a kegger without inviting me, and 2) America no longer has an American for its leader.
Let's tackle number 1. I am deeply hurt that the President had a "beer summit" and neglected to extend the invitation to moi, someone who really loves beer. I know, it was organized to soothe the racially troubled waters engendered by the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. by police for disorderly conduct. Gates was arrested when he tried to break into his own house after being locked out. The police were called and Gates produced identification, but was understandably pissed off and embarrassed by the arrival of the police. He took his chagrin out on the two officers, one white and the other black. They threw him in cuffs and the whole world exploded.
Now, I am completely on Skip's side of this issue. I sincerely doubt that anyone would call the cops if they saw me for breaking into my house. And I am sure that I would lose my temper if they continued to harass me after I proved it was my home. But I live in a city where the police tend to shoot first and convene a grand jury later, so my temper would be held in check by the mere thought of being killed for the crime of being surly. It is a good idea to err on the side of civility in Las Vegas when dealing with officers of the peace.
But I had no idea that Obama was a Kenyan. Apparently, he is the only exception to the law that states that if you are born to an American citizen, you are an American. Or the other law that states that if you are born in America, you are an American citizen. Nope, none of these laws apply because Obama, if you haven't noticed, is black. And was elected to be President of the United States. He was also a senator, held jobs, and got married. You need valid identification for all those activities, but never confuse the rabid right with facts. They hate facts, and know that they have a notorious left wing bias.
This little fantasy fest was further aided by Lou Dobbs, an excellent example of the Republican demographic, being male, white, and old. He turned the heat up by examining the whole "birther" movement. Now CNN is trying to backpedal the whole thing by claiming that all Dobbs was doing was reporting on the movement, not endorsing it. Whatever.
In case anyone has forgotten, our country is still in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Health care reform, cap and trade, these issues deserve our full and undivided attention. We need all hands and brains on deck for this one. Spinning our wheels over the citizenship of President is not a high priority. I am back from vacation and want the madness to stop. Oh, yeah, it was already going on before I left...
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