Monday, December 14, 2009

In Awe

Today I am shining some "lyte" on all the working mothers out there. I know, I know, whether at home or at an office, store, factory, or school, all mothers work. But now that I am trying to balance full time working hours and home life, I have a whole new appreciation for what those women do everyday, often in heels.

I realize that I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to stay home with my family until my little darlings have grown (almost) as tall as me. While being a parent to teenagers is no picnic, it is a much easier row to hoe than working full time and having small children at home.

If one of my kids is sick, they can pretty much stay home and take care of themselves. They can dose themselves with medicine, know where the toilet is, and can operate the microwave. But how mothers of small children or worse yet, infants, work full time and then have the energy and interest to parent, I have no idea.

I am in bed by 9 pm most nights, well ahead of my nocturnal teens. They can do their own homework, and I no longer have to read them a story before bedtime. They help with chores. I cannot begin to tell you how incredible it was to have them and my husband help me clean the house. A job that normally takes 6 hours was done in a little over an hour and a half and my back was not screaming for mercy.

I feel like such a weenie. I haven't made time to write this blog, work out, or any of the things I used to do on a daily basis when I was home. Notice I used the word "made" not "had". I am realizing that my schedule needs a radical overhaul and I need to pay attention to two things: 1) the open time in my daily routine and 2) my energy levels. If I want to blog, I need the time, but not necessarily the physical energy. If I want to exercise, I need both.

So, my apologies to all three or four of my faithful followers out there. But I am back. Not tan, not rested, but definitely back. Let's get this party started...

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