Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Which right is righter?

The Republican party has been trying to recast their war on women as a "fight over religious freedom". Despite the spate of anti-women legislation and rhetoric to the contrary, the Republicans are merely defending the First Amendment rights of religious institutions. And that's commendable. But maybe they should take a look at that Bill of Rights that they are now using to hide their efforts to control women.

See fellas, that document actually protects the individuals' rights over institutional rights. In other words, my right to privacy as secured by the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments trumps your institutional right to free speech. In fact the entire Bill of Rights was created to protect the individual from government and other institutions. So they cannot use the First Amendment to attack a women's right to privacy.

This isn't a constitutional "Hunger Games". The Bill of Rights are not written in descending order. All rights are equal. And in a country that was founded on personal liberty, the idea that any institution would use the Bill of Rights as a cover to restrict personal freedom contradicts the very essence of our Constitution.

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