So today I want to shine some "lyte" on echo chambers. Fox News has launched "Fox Nation", a website dedicated to the opinions of Fox viewers. Kind of like a Facebook for folks who actually think Fox is fair and balanced. I think they need to pay royalties to Stephen Colbert for stealing the moniker of "nation".
The faithful will get to read blogs by their favorite Fox personalities. Wow, like watching Bill O'Reilly isn't painful enough. I think Fox is hoping to emulate the wildly successful Huffington Post and give Internet savvy right-wingers a place to congregate. Like talk radio doesn't give them a place to vent already.
I want to check in occasionally just to count the typos. Given the incredible depth that the right-wing opposition has shown towards the Obama administration so far, I am sure we will be treated to rants about FEMA camps, teleprompters, and other pressing issues.
Of course, the folks at Fox insist it will be all about fair play and free speech. People can criticize Fox, but NO ONE ELSE. Yeah, right. Fox News has been such a beacon of unbiased coverage and a bastion of hard-hitting investigative journalism, I can only imagine what their opinion-based website will be like.
What slays me is that most conservative Republicans actually believe that Fox News is fair and balanced. That lifting talking points from Republican National Committee memos and presenting them as news is an unbiased take on current events. Journalism as taught at the University of North Korea.
What the right is trying to do is play catch-up on the Internets. The progressives own the web right now and it has hurt the right in the last two election cycles. The problem for the right-wing is that you only need to talk on TV and radio. You actually have to right, I mean write on the web. Writing is a higher order skill than talking. You have to be literate and it helps to know things like punctuation and grammar. All caps and a lot of exclamation points just won't cut it. It is also important to have ideas, and so far the Republicans have shown the paucity of their ideology. Just look at their alternative budget, nineteen pages and NO NUMBERS.
This will only serve as another way for right-wing, conservative ditto heads to break their arms patting themselves on the back. They will continue to reinforce their ever-shrinking worldview: where tax cuts work, Ronald Reagan is king, and the sky is red. Oh! And where Sarah Palin is smart.
Good luck with that.