Thursday, March 26, 2009


I want to shed a little "lyte" on insanity.  You know the definition of insanity?  It is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.  

The House Republicans announced their alternative budget today.  And guess what they are proposing?  Tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans!  I wish I was kidding, but I am not.  You can't make this stuff up.  They want to cut the tax rate from 35% to 25% for those making more than $100,000.  Everyone else would pay a 10% rate.

That's it.  That's the whole alternative that the Republicans have come up with to President Obama's budget proposal.  More money for the only people who still have money in this country.  When pressed for details, House Minority Leader John Boehner couldn't provide any.  But he did promise more details next week-when the budget comes up for a vote.  Remember the Republican's faux outrage over the lack of time to debate the stimulus package?  How does that jive with presenting the details of your alternative budget on the same week that you are voting on it?

Of course, if you are only proposing one thing, no one will need a lot of time to debate it.  And when that one thing has been proven to shrink, no tank, our economy, I have a feeling I know how that debate will go.  It would be funny if it weren't so sad.  Here we are in the greatest crisis of our generation, and the opposition just wants to turn up the dial on the very thing that helped to create those deficits they claim they care so much about.

What is the color of the sky in the Republican's world?  I desperately want to believe that Republicans are not malevolent, just misguided, but to suggest tax cuts for the wealthiest 10% as a viable solution to our budget woes, at a time when millions are out of work, smacks not of just hubris, but down right hostility towards average Americans.  You know, that pesky 90%.  Remember, elections matter.  Continue this insanity and you will not just be consigned to the wilderness, you will be in exile for a long, long time.

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