Monday, March 9, 2009

The Most Horrible Day of The Year

Today I want to shed a little "lyte" on outdated traditions.  Yesterday marked the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.  Or as we call it around my house "The Most Horrible Day of The Year."  

I love to sleep.  When my kids were little, I would crave sleep like a heroin junkie craves their next fix.  My favorite fantasy was to run away to hotel, not for an illicit encounter, but for a night or two of uninterrupted rest.  So I hate Daylight Savings Time.

You would think losing an hour of sleep would be no big deal.  Ha!  It throws me off for flipping weeks.  All I think about when I look at the clock in the morning is "If not for DST, I would still be in bed."  I constantly calculate what the "real" time is.  I could move to Arizona, they don't follow Daylight Savings Time.  But I love where I live, so I deal with it; albeit badly and with a lot of whining.

And the whole reason we have stupid Daylight Savings Time is for farming.  Yes, farming.  To give farmers an extra hour of daylight to sow their crops.  Know any farmers?  This whole deal was created when a majority of our citizens were farmers.  News flash, farmers are a frickin' minority.  Slightly less than 2% of the total US population live on farms.  So 98% of us get to lose an hour's sleep for a handful of people who get up early anyway, so why couldn't they just sow their crops in morning?

Ever wonder why we have a 9 month schedule for schools?  Those frickin' farmers again!  This time it's so their kids can work the farm in summer.  Do you know any children who work on a farm other than migrant workers?  Most states would prosecute you under child labor laws if you made your kid bale hay.  Not mention that the Department of Child and Family Services would be investigating.  You would probably have to go on Dr. Phil and apologize.  And your kid would write a memoir and get invited to be on "Oprah".

And as if you need another reason to despise George W. Bush, he lengthened Daylight Savings Time!  To save energy, he claimed.  As far as I am concerned, it is another Katrina.  So I am calling on President Obama to abolish Daylight Savings Time.  He is changing everything else, so why not this?  And let's go on a 12 month school schedule, most working parents would cheer this move.  Wake up America!  We are no longer a nation of farmers.  Now go back to bed America and enjoy that extra hour sleep.  I need a nap.    


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