Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chantin' In The Streets

I want to shed a little "lyte" on youthful exuberance.  The G20 summit is convening in London today.  Lucky London!  Thousands of angry youths protesting (in no particular order): global warming, capitalism, human rights, drug policies, ethical treatment of animals, the earth rotating around the sun (okay, I made that one up), well, you get the picture.

A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing, to quote Billy S.  Hey, I love the G20 summit protests.  Remember when it was the G8?  And they tried to burn down Seattle?  You must admire the sheer strength of their angst.  They broke into the United Bank of Scotland.  Awesome dude!  Trash some copiers and set some desks on fire!  Just don't burn the money.

Bankers are the new terrorists.  Scotland Yard told financial workers to either stay home, or, I am not kidding, "dress down".  It must be another example of that dry British humor.  I have always said that you can tell when a movie is made by who the bad guys are.  In the 60's and 70's it was Communists.  In the 80's and early 90's, Columbian drug lords.  By the late 90's and early 00's, Middle Eastern dudes.  I saw a movie trailer recently where the bad guys are, you guessed it, bankers!  

What's ironic is most of the kids that filling London's streets today will be working in the buildings they are trashing tomorrow.  Just ask any Woodstock era hippy.  Sooner or later, you become the Man.  Sure, there are few that stay angry, but anger takes two things: energy and focus.  Time takes care of both.  You run out of the former and the latter is difficult to sustain.  Marriage, mortgage, job, kids, and the next thing you know, you're shaking your head and saying, "Where do they get their energy?"   And then you change the channel.      

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