I am shedding a little "lyte" on reinvention today. Before I go any further, I want to pat myself on the back. This is my 50th blog!! Yay me! Okay, back to reinvention. The Republican party is searching for a theme, an organizing mantra to coalesce themselves for 2010. The theme they have chosen? Drum roll please, check and balances.
Hmmm, funny that a Congress and White House controlled by one party didn't bother them at all when they were that one party. I know, irony was written off the party platform in the 80s but still, suddenly they are all afire about checks and balances.
I think the single party in charge is a good idea for now. Especially when the one party in charge is the one with actual ideas and thoughts. Plus we need an apples to apples comparison of how the country fares under one party versus another.
This is what the Republicans are worried about. If they don't make significant gains in 2010, we will have a crystal clear picture of what life is like under Democratic control and I have a sneaking suspicion it will be better than life under the Republicans.
I am going to use my feelings to make the comparison. Republicans are all about feelings, just say no to facts and reality. So here goes. Thanks to the Republicans, we now know what real economic turmoil feels like. Thanks to Republicans, we now know what terrorist attacks on our own soil feels like. Thanks to Republicans, we now know what a shrinking of our civil liberties feels like. Thanks to Republicans, we now know how watching a major US city drown on national TV feels like. Thanks to Republicans, we now know what prosecuting two wars ineptly feels like.
Now the Democratic party has just started, but already we can feel the difference. I know I sleep better at night, knowing there are grown ups in charge. People are being put in charge of agencies based on their competency, not their voting habits. You have a sense of things getting done, wrongs being righted. I am not alone, polls show that a greater number of Americans feel that the country is headed in the right direction since 2004.
So, the Republicans think that checks and balances are what we need. But so far they have only shown that they are capable of obstruction, not construction. I suggest they get a few more ideas, that are based on reality and facts. I think they need more time in the wilderness, searching for that all important clue. I just hope they recognize it when they see it.
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