Today I am shedding some "lyte" on beauty pageants. Now, as a little girl growing up, I loved to watch beauty pageants. Especially Miss Universe, I was enthralled by how so many women from so many countries could still look so incredibly similar. It was like one facial structure with different skin tones. I totally enjoyed the ethnic costumes and really looked forward to anything with feathers and a head dress. It shouldn't come as surprise that I ended up living in a city filled with feathers and head dresses.
Now I cringe when I see a pageant. I don't doubt that there are intelligent young women who participate, but it seems that they never make to the final rounds. Then we are forced to listen to the excruciating attempts to answer the simplest questions. I have a hard time tolerating the torture that our mother tongue is subjected to by these sweet young things. And last night's Miss USA contest was no exception.
Carrie Prejean, Miss California, gave an interesting response to a question posed by Perez Hilton. When asked if other states should legalize gay marriage like Vermont, and the all important, why or why not, Ms. Prejean did to the English language what the CIA did to detainees over 200 times at Gauntanamo. Take a Motrin, I am quoting her in full.
"I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage, and, you know what, in my country and my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and woman. No offense to anyone out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be, between a man and woman."
Whew, thank goodness she clarified that; because for moment there I thought she was advocating marriage between true opposites, like vegetarians and carnivores or between dogs and cats. I also appreciate that she "thinks she believes" that California is a country. I think I know that California thinks that it believes that too. Ouch! How's that for painful? Now all I need are some implants and door knocker earrings and I can be pageant contestant too. Oh! But I want feathers and head dress. I will be representing the country of Las Vegas and need to be in native attire.
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