I am continuing to shine some "lyte" on parenting. Today I want to talk about modeling. No, not the kind practiced by Tyra Banks, the kind parents need to do in order to be "good enough".
Your child learns in a myriad of ways. One of the most effective strategies is to demonstrate the behavior you want to see. Your child looks up to you, and looks to you for cues on how to be a grown up. Even if you are a different gender from your child, you are still a role model.
Want your child to be polite? Be polite with them in every interaction. Ask them please, and be sure to thank them. Let them witness you opening doors for others, chewing with your mouth closed, acting graciously.
Want your child to be honest? Tell them the truth. Sure, you can fudge a little bit; Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy come to mind. But in the big stuff, be as scrupulously honest as possible. Given too much change at the store? Return it. Make a mistake? Admit it. Hurt someones feelings? Confess, apologize, and offer amends.
No matter how many TV shows, movies, or video games your child may watch or play, you are still the greatest influence in their lives. You are not just taller than your child, you have to the bigger person as well.
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