Friday, October 2, 2009

So Much Craziness, Too Little Time

I'm shedding some "lyte" today on choices. Normally, I find the topic for my blog pretty quickly. A news item or poll catches my eye and I am off and running. Not today, there is a lot of nuttiness in the nougat and I can't decide where to shine my "lyte".

A front-runner is the story out about Ted Williams' head. The storied baseball player's son had his head cryogenically frozen in the hopes that some day he could be regenerated. Creepy science fiction plot aside, just how to do you regenerate someone using just their head? That is showing a lot of faith in future technologies. But, apparently future scientists will be regenerating Ted from damaged goods. A former executive with Alcor Life Extension Foundation reveals in his book that a technician took "baseball like" swings at Williams' head with a monkey wrench. This story is appealing on so many levels and I was totally ready to run with it, but then I my attention was caught by this little gem.

TLC has suspended production of "Jon and Kate plus 8" at the request of Jon Gosselin. Watching this family unit unravel has been one of my dirty little pleasures. Don't get me wrong, I feel terrible for the children, it's the parents that I can't stand. Jon is obviously going through a major mid-life crisis complete with nanny booty calls. Kate is trying to appear as the victim, but it is tough act to sustain when you are a gold-plated b*tch and millions of people know that. Kate was ready to forge ahead with a new series, "Kate plus 8" but Jon belatedly has noticed that maybe filming a reality TV show when your marriage is dissolving just might not be the healthiest thing for your children. He shared his conflict with Larry King for an hour last night and now taping of the family has been stopped. Is it me, or is the timing of Jon's crisis of conscience a little too convenient? Okay, so this story had wheels as well, but then I wandered into the political arena and all bets were off.

John Boehner, House Minority Leader and poster boy for the dangers of spray tanning, is trying desperately to remove the taste of feet from his mouth. Boehner said on Thursday that he had never met anyone who supported the public option. Be careful of what you say now that there is this thing called the internet; you better fact check yourself or just shut up. Of course a person was found that had, more than once, let Representative Boehner know that they supported the public option. In fact, it was one of his own constituents who has repeatedly contacted Boehner's office. Twice by letter, with a written response both times and several times by phone. So Boehner ignores his own district and the other 65% of Americans who support a public option. Maybe a little Scope will wash that corn chip flavor out of your mouth, John.

Well, that's it for a batsh*t crazy Friday. Enjoy your weekend!

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