Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Three Ring Circus

I want to shine some "lyte" on balance today. Those of you who follow my blog (all three of you) may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in the last week. I started a new job last week and it has thrown my whole schedule into a tailspin.

Working part time and being home, I had my schedule down to a science. Now I have new responsibilities and less time at home. More like no time at home. And the center is not holding.

Women are urged to find some sort of mythical balance between home and work. I don't know if it is possible. Some times work overwhelms home, other times home over shadows work. As far as my personal priorities, home is always more important than work. But translating that into the real world is delicate work.

So we do our best. Try to do everything we can on the weekends and hope it all holds through the week. But balance? I am not so much a tightrope walker as a juggler. Just trying to keep it all in the air and off the ground.

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