Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Fat?

I want to shine some "lyte" on the truth. The health insurance lobby has started a "major offensive" to battle to the reform bill. Despite claims that they welcome reform, we are now seeing a big push back now that reform is becoming a reality.

The insurance lobby commissioned Price Waterhouse to analyze the Baucus bill. Are we surprised when they find that Americans will pay more for their health insurance if that version of the bill is passed? Or that Price Waterhouse ignored the subsidies that would be put in place to offset the increase in premiums. Are we shocked that the insurance industry is using scare tactics?

But just as they roll out their ads, this story comes out of Colorado. A baby is denied health insurance because he is too fat. Yes, a four month old, who is in 99 percentile in height and weight, was denied coverage. According to Rocky Mountain Health Plans, little Alex Lange suffers from a pre-existing condition, obesity. Alex is breast fed. So, should his mother feed him less? Sign up a 4 month old baby for the gym?

A strong public option is the only remedy for situations like these. Insurance companies are only interested in one thing, profits. And if they have to step over cute, chubby, little babies to get there, they will.

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