Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Good Book?

I want to shed some "lyte" on biases. Remember how I say that conservatives feel that facts have a liberal bias? Well a group of conservatives have a liberal book in their sights that they feel needs to edited to remove it's lefty bias. The book, well, is The Book, the Bible.

That's right, the web site Conservapedia, has created a Wikipedia knock-off that is attempting to remove the liberal bias from the Bible. Apparently this web site presumes to do the original one better. They want to create "a framework against liberal bias", and "utilize powerful conservative terms". Two of their aims seems contradictory, they want to "not dumb down" the Good Book, but at the same time they "prefer conciseness to liberal wordiness".

Some of the examples of liberalism are priceless. For example, they don't like the quote in Luke 22:34, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Because this quote is not found in the other Gospels, conservatives want to give it the boot. And Conservapedia is determined to root out the socialism that permeates the Bible. Terms like comrade, labor, and fellow worker all point to a slant towards socialism.

Jesus wept. Wait! Is that too emasculating? Should I say Jesus cried? Jesus mourned? Jesus ranted? Jesus likes Sarah Palin in 2012?

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